Geometric Design

I explore geometry as it was practiced in ancient times: the search for patterns in cosmos and psyche. I draw by hand with compass and straightedge, following what I’ve learned of the Pythagorean approach. I aim for designs that are simple, efficient, and elegant — the hallmarks of Nature herself.

For me, the lineages of Celtic, Islamic, and Tantric geometry are endlessly fascinating, and I’d need many lifetimes to absorb all of their open secrets. Further research into the visual aspects of mathematics has inspired my design of fractals, knots, hyperbolic disks, labyrinths, and “impossible” geometries. Above all, MC Escher haunts my imagination.

Whenever I step back from a finished design, the result is something I could never anticipate. As an art form, it’s all about finding new arrangements of the primordial forms. In the process, Nature’s hidden blueprint reveals itself, one pattern at a time.

